Google Actual Cloud Platform: Elevating Humor to New Heights:
How we helped Google announce a major “step up” in their Cloud technology.
“Google’s Actual Cloud Platform made us laugh out loud”Business Insider

In the realm of tech, April Fools' Day offers a unique opportunity for brands to showcase their creativity and humor, and Google is a pioneer in celebrating this tradition. Our collaboration with Google on the Actual Cloud Platform announcement video is a testament to the innovative spirit and serious fun that April Fools' can inspire.

A Creative Storm Brewing

The concept? The Google Actual Cloud Platform. This project was a whirlwind adventure from the start, blending Google's hallmark innovation with a touch of whimsy that April Fools' Day demands.

From Concept to Cloud Nine

Over a few intense days, we embarked on live-action production across Google's Mountain View and San Francisco campuses. The post-production phase saw us weaving together motion graphics and editorial to bring the concept to life. We worked alongside Google's team, from the initial scriptwriting to the final edits,

A Sky-High Launch

The launch of the Google Actual Cloud Platform video was met with an overwhelmingly positive response, quickly becoming a talking point across platforms. The video soared, gathering tens of thousands of views on YouTube, driving significant traffic to Google's website, and sparking lively conversations across social media—all without the need for paid promotion. The engagement metrics spoke volumes about the video's reach and impact, marking a new high in Google's April Fools' Day history. In that one day the video reached over 100,000 YouTube views without paid promotion, 104,000 to their website (87% new users), 1185 Twitter engagements (up 69% from their previous record), and 10,000 views to their blog.

Reflecting on a Successful Collaboration

This project underscored the power of creative partnership and the importance of humor in connecting with audiences. Working with Google to create something so lighthearted yet impactful was a highlight for our team. The success of the Google Actual Cloud Platform video demonstrates that even the most technologically advanced companies value a good laugh and the joy of engaging with their audience in unexpected ways.

As we look back on this project, we're reminded of the magic that happens when innovation meets humor. The Google Actual Cloud Platform may have been a flight of fancy, but the creativity, teamwork, and laughter it brought into the world were very much real.

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